The Art Of Living: The Classical Mannual On Virtue, Happiness, And Effectiveness

  • By Epictetus
  • Availability: 2 in stock
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Genre: Philosophy, Stoicism
  • ISBN: 9780061286056
  • SKU: The-Art-Of-Living:-The-Classical-Mannual-On-Virtue,-Happiness,-And-Effectiveness-9780061286056



"An immense dose of Epictetus would do us all a great deal of good, and I am grateful (beyond irony) to Tom Wolfe for reviving Epictetus" - Harold Bloom. So what makes the writings of this former slave so powerful today? Epictetus observed that although e

  • Title: The Art Of Living: The Classical Mannual On Virtue, Happiness, And Effectiveness
  • ISBN: 9780061286056
  • Author: Epictetus
  • Genre: Philosophy, Stoicism
  • Category: Nonfiction
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Inc
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English

"An immense dose of Epictetus would do us all a great deal of good, and I am grateful (beyond irony) to Tom Wolfe for reviving Epictetus" - Harold Bloom. So what makes the writings of this former slave so powerful today? Epictetus observed that although e

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