
Showing 2269 to 2280 of 2858 items

Few writers have had a more demonstrable impact on the development of the modern world than has Karl Marx (1818-1883). Born in Trier into a middle-class Jewish family in 1818,...




Through the Narrow Gate is Karen Armstrong’s memoir of life inside a Catholic convent in the 1960’s.With gentleness and honesty, Armstrong takes her readers on a revelatory journey that begins...




A raw, intensely personal memoir of spiritual exploration from one of the world’s great commentators on religion.After seven years in a convent, which she left, dismayed by its restrictions, an...




"A History of God" is a scholarly and comprehensive exploration of the concept of God across various religious traditions and historical periods.













Crowdfunding is the springboard your project needs. From theatre to virtual reality headsets, small businesses to international corporations, crowdfunding has helped entrepreneurs and project leaders across the world to raise...




"Philosophy is like fish: best presented without too much adornment; hard to get just right and easy to ruin. "What's the point of it all? InPhilosophy: All That Matters, bestselling...







The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron With an even stronger focus on the U.S. Constitution in the post 9/11 world, the Seventeeth Edition of this best-selling reader in American government...





