Caring Economics

  • By Tania Singer
  • Availability: 2 in stock
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Genre: Business
  • ISBN: 9781250071248
  • SKU: Caring-Economics-9781250071248


Can the hyper-ambitious, bottom-line-driven practices of the global economy incorporate compassion into the pursuit of wealth? Or is economics driven solely by materialism and self-interest? In Caring Economics, experts consider these questions alongside

  • Title: Caring Economics
  • ISBN: 9781250071248
  • Author: Tania Singer
  • Genre: Business
  • Category: Nonfiction
  • Publisher: St Martin's Press
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English

Can the hyper-ambitious, bottom-line-driven practices of the global economy incorporate compassion into the pursuit of wealth? Or is economics driven solely by materialism and self-interest? In Caring Economics, experts consider these questions alongside

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