I Wish You Would

  • By Eva Des Lauriers
  • Availability: Out Of Stock Preorder Now
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Genre: Romance
  • ISBN: 9781471414541
  • SKU: I-Wish-You-Would-9781471414541



A YA romance told over the course of one day, from the perspective of high school best friends Natalia and Ethan. Following a summer spent avoiding one another and hiding their true feelings, they are brought together at their school's Senior Sunrise beac

  • Title: I Wish You Would
  • ISBN: 9781471414541
  • Author: Eva Des Lauriers
  • Genre: Romance
  • Category: Fiction
  • Publisher: Hot Key Books
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English

A YA romance told over the course of one day, from the perspective of high school best friends Natalia and Ethan. Following a summer spent avoiding one another and hiding their true feelings, they are brought together at their school's Senior Sunrise beac

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