No Stars in the Sky

  • By Martha Beatriz Bátiz Zuk
  • Availability: 1 in stock
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Genre: Thriller
  • ISBN: 9781487010027
  • SKU: No-Stars-in-the-Sky-9781487010027



“Profoundly moving and beautifully written . . . each story is its own universe that transports the reader through the characters’ joy and pain.” — Amy StuartThe nineteen stories in No Stars in the Sky feature strong but damaged female characters in crisi

  • Title: No Stars in the Sky
  • ISBN: 9781487010027
  • Author: Martha Beatriz Bátiz Zuk
  • Genre: Thriller
  • Category: Fiction
  • Publisher: House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English

“Profoundly moving and beautifully written . . . each story is its own universe that transports the reader through the characters’ joy and pain.” — Amy StuartThe nineteen stories in No Stars in the Sky feature strong but damaged female characters in crisi

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