The scintillating opening instalment of Tucker's Fate and Flame series weaves elven societies and elemental magic into the enchanting story of a jewel thief transformed into a princess at the...
Perfect reading for fans ofThe Hunger Gamesand Karen M. McManus, Wellington's twist-laden YA thriller pits a trio of high school students against each other in a deadly popularity contest.Squid Game...
Now a major film starring Elle Fanning and Justice Smith on Netflix.A compelling and beautiful story about a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die.Theodore...
"He's not my enemy down here. He's my lifeline. "When Cora attends her sister's birthday party, she expects at most a hangover or a walk of shame. She doesn't anticipate...
Now a Netflix movie, starring Susanna SkaggsANew York TimesbestsellerThe dying wish of 16-year-old Lina's mother was for her daughter to live in Tuscany and get to know her father, whom...
About The Complete Jane Austen Collection:Discover Jane Austen's famous novels Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion now repackaged with beautiful modern covers.
‘Northanger Abbey! These were thrilling words, and wound up Catherine's feelings to the highest point of ecstasy.’Considered the most light-hearted and satirical of Austen’s novels, Northanger Abbey tells the story...
The disparity between Emma Woodhouse's self-confidence and self-knowledge, and her determination to arrange marriages for her friends while avoiding one for herself, leads to a painful series of misunderstandings for...