THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRLremains the single most poignant true-life story to emerge from the Second World War. In July 1942 Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors...
Edgar Allan Poe was a master of the tale of psychological horror and the author of what is considered the first modern detective story. This anthology gathers more than 20...
One of contemporary literature’s brightest talents follows up the former Waterstones Book of the YearNormal Peoplewith an incisive and affecting dissection of the lives and loves of a quartet of...
A heart-rendingly romantic story of lost love and second chances that has taken TikTok by storm,If He Had Been With Mecharts the ebb and flow of Autumn and Finn's feelings...
A compelling murder mystery that follows in the footsteps of the genre-bustingOne of Us is Lying, Jackson’s impressively accomplished debut features a likeable teenage sleuth out to crack a cold...
"Crime and Punishment" is a classic Russian novel that follows the life of Raskolnikov, a poverty-stricken ex-student who commits a brutal crime. The book delves into themes of guilt, redemption,...