
Showing 2761 to 2772 of 2811 items

With funny and relatable illustrations throughout, find out what it's really like to live with ADHD.When Alice Gendron was diagnosed with ADHD aged 29, she knew she didn't fit the...







Tocqueville examines the structures, institution and operation of democracy, and analyzes the lessons that Europe could learn from American successes and failures. It continues to be an influential text on...






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The Theory of a Multipolar World is a cheerful and optimistic view of a future in which humanity will reach its highest development. However, it will not be the uniform...




Who are the greatest innovators in the world? You're probably thinking Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford. The usual suspects. This book isn't about them.It's about people you've never heard...





How (Not) To Be Strong by Alex Scott From the football cages of East London to broadcasting to millions, the engine powering Alex Scott's remarkable journey has always been her...


In "Evangelist Marketing," Alex Goldfayn argues that technology companies succeed in spite of their marketing, not because of it. He says that if consumer tech makers ceased all marketing activity...








