"Cruel Crown" is a companion novella collection to the "Red Queen" series by Victoria Aveyard. The collection includes two novellas, "Queen Song" and "Steel Scars," which provide additional depth and...
Aveyard's pulsating follow-up toRealm Breakerfinds Corayne forced to raise an army to defeat the evil machinations of Queen Erida and her lethal campaign of opening nightmarish portals.From theSunday Timesbestselling author...
The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth Sister Butterfly is an illustrated story with songs: About Inclusion, Belonging, and Compassion. Carla approaches a favorite corner of the garden where she feels...
Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth Gary Patterson's cheerful artwork captures the lighter side of life with pets. Enjoy a year's worth of massive misbehaviors by naughty cats and dogs...
Most people only know one London; but what if there were four? There's Grey London, dirty and crowded and without magic, home to the mad king George III; Red London,...
A satanic pact and a woman forced to wander the world in anonymity;The Invisible Life of Addie LaRueis a tour de force of imagination and epic storytelling.When Addie LaRue makes...
Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city, a grisly metropolis where the violence has begun to create real and deadly monsters. All Kate wants is...
The precarious equilibrium among the four Londons has reached its breaking point. Once brimming with the red vivacity of magic, darkness casts a shadow over the Maresh Empire, leaving a...
The sequel and conclusion to Victoria Schwab's No. 1 New York Times bestseller,This Savage Song.Kate Harker is a girl who isn't afraid of the dark. She's a girl who hunts monsters....
Shades of Magic Collector's Editions Boxed Set by V E Schwab From #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Schwab, three whimsical and enchanting novels about a quirky and clever...
Merging fantasy and romance to terrific effect, the US bestseller arrives on these shores with its swashbuckling story of buried treasure, shipbound adventure and rugged first mates.Seventeen-year-old Alosa, daughter of...
Grace's story continues inCovet, the third inNew York Timesbestselling author Tracy Wolff's lush, action-packed and romantic young adult paranormal fantasy series. 'Fandom's new favourite vampire romance obsession'Hypable'This generation'sTwilight' Lynn R