The bestselling YA titan delivers a spellbinding sequel toThis Woven Kingdom, as Alizeh and Kamran’s story continues in another unputdownable tale of destiny, danger and vengeance.Full of explosive magic, searing...
Set in the myth-packed world of Percy Jackson, this rollicking adventure sees demigods and boyfriends Nico and Will answer the call of a reformed Titan they left languishing in the...
Everyone who goes to Zallindov dies. Everyone, that is, except Kiva. Lynette Noni weaves a masterful and action-packed narrative that will take readers on a roller coaster of twists, turns,...
Now available in a stunning hardback edition with a gorgeous sprayed edge, the first instalment of Mafi's bestselling dystopian series introduces a girl who can kill with a single touch.A...
Multiple homicide, secret societies and some very disturbing occult practices; Bardugo makes the transition from YA superstar to dark adult fantasy with ease, asNinth Houseweaves its spine-chilling spell with a...
From the author of TO KILL A KINGDOM and INTO THE CROOKED PLACE comes the second in a spectacular fantasy duology, in a world thriving with black magic.Threats are like...
Return to the world ofTo Kill a Kingdomfor a dark and romantic fantasy adventure about a young witch groomed to steal souls for an immortal king and the reckless, rebellious...
Merging fantasy and romance to terrific effect, the US bestseller arrives on these shores with its swashbuckling story of buried treasure, shipbound adventure and rugged first mates.Seventeen-year-old Alosa, daughter of...
Following up the bestselling YA fantasyTwin Crowns, Doyle and Webber's sweeping saga finds the two monarchs set off on their own separate missions in an attempt to save Eana.Bestselling authors...