Kafka's most celebrated tale of a commercial salesman unexpectedly freed from the drudgery of his job by his inexplicable transformation into a huge insect is an enduring masterwork of dark...
The third instalment of the GLOBAL PHENOMENON, romantic fantasy epic and TikTok sensation, ACOTAR. From multi-million and #1Sunday Timesbestselling author Sarah J. Maas.Maas has established herself as a fantasy fiction...
Set in an impeccably realised world of dragons, warring factions and underground rebellion,The Priory of the Orange Treehas all the hallmarks of a fantasy classic.From the internationally bestselling author ofThe...
Boasting incredibly assured plotting and an involving, credible cast of characters,Good Girl, Bad Bloodis a terrifically engaging sequel to the bestsellingA Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.Shortlisted for theYA Book Prize2021The...
Step into the world of faerie in the first instalment of Black's magical romance series, as mortal Jude finds herself forced to make her way in a fantastical royal court....
More than half-a-million business leaders have discovered the power of the StoryBrand Framework, created by New York Times best-selling author and marketing expert Donald Miller. And they are making millions.If you use...
He hates her... almost as much as he wants her.Gorgeous, cocky, and fast on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, Josh Chen has never met a woman he couldn't...