In this magnificent final installment of J. K. Rowling’s masterpiece, Harry, Ron and Hermione must face their biggest challenges yet, and even the strongest friendships are tested to their limit...
Shortlisted for the Waterstones Book of the Year 2016‘Once again, the fantasy world that Rowling created nearly 20 years ago is at its most powerful when it sets aside magic...
Rediscover the dark and seductive realm of faerie in the second book of the critically acclaimed Modern Faerie Tales series from the bestselling author ofThe Cruel Prince – Holly Black.When Valerie runs away...
Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami When sixteen-year-old Guy Dimchek comes out in 1970s San Francisco, his best friend dumps him, his mom splits, and he's left largely on his...
An enchanting tale of courage and sacrifice by George R.R. Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the series that inspired HBO's Emmy Award-winning GAME OF THRONES.From ancient...
Reincarnated sorcerers, jujitsu standoffs and demon devouring all play their part in the twentieth instalment of the gruesome, action-packed hit manga.To gain the power he needs to save his friend...
Witchy rivalry, hot romance and plenty of magic,The Kiss Curseis an irresistibly witty and whimsical romcom perfect for fans of Sabrina the Teenage Witch and The Gilmore Girls.Always practise safe...