Following the captivating and conflicted Ravkan ruler Nikolai Lantsov in the bewitching world of the Grishaverse, this powerful tale of desire and revenge brings the King of Scars duology to...
Multiple homicide, secret societies and some very disturbing occult practices; Bardugo makes the transition from YA superstar to dark adult fantasy with ease, asNinth Houseweaves its spine-chilling spell with a...
The eagerly-awaited next chapter in the ‘Grishaverse’ explores new corners of Bardugo’s stunningly imagined world. An exploration of conflicted loyalty and inner demons, it explores one of Bardugo’s most intriguing...
A wonderfully witty mash up of Gossip Girl and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Simmons' sassy supernatural romcom centres on Mo Merrydrew's unwanted new role and the hot vampire familiar that...
The perfect lighthearted summer read for 11 - 14 year oldsMeet Mo Merrydrew - independent young woman, Mini Battenberg fan, president of the debating society - and reluctant vampire queen...
11 stories with comic-strip illustrations about immortal warlock Magnus Bane from Cassandra Clare's Shadowhunter novelsThe perfect gift for Shadowhunters everywhere. Eleven stories and comic-strip illustrations featuring immortal warlock Magnus Bane....
From the author of TO KILL A KINGDOM and INTO THE CROOKED PLACE comes the second in a spectacular fantasy duology, in a world thriving with black magic.Threats are like...
Return to the world ofTo Kill a Kingdomfor a dark and romantic fantasy adventure about a young witch groomed to steal souls for an immortal king and the reckless, rebellious...