From worldwide fame as a beloved character in an iconic TV show to a downward spiral of addiction and an inspiring climb out of the abyss, the Friends legend tells...
Set in the myth-packed world of Percy Jackson, this rollicking adventure sees demigods and boyfriends Nico and Will answer the call of a reformed Titan they left languishing in the...
A fantasy romance, by dazzling new talent Sarah Underwood, inspired by Greek mythology and the tale of Eros and Psyche. On the island of Zakynthos, nothing is more powerful than...
A fantasy romance, by dazzling new talent Sarah Underwood, inspired by Greek mythology and the tale of Eros and Psyche. On the island of Zakynthos, nothing is more powerful than...
This friendly write-in book is the perfect way to prepare children for school. Lively illustrations and cute animal characters keep early learning fun, with activities specifically designed to appeal to...
Caught between two alluring but deadly rulers, Auren must choose either loyalty or freedom in the scintillating second chapter of Kennedy's bestselling Plated Prisoner series. 'I hope you burn so...